Dirk van Damme (OECD) op NHOC
Zo wees hij bij het recente 25-jarig jubileum van Cheps openkele opvallende trendbreuken in de ontwikkeling van het HO-beleidin ons land: “For historical reasons the central state has alwaysbeen comparatively weak in this country where self-government oflocal communities has always been more important. Recent policieshave further decreased the state capacity for regulation.”
“But even here, strong interventionist policies, opposing thegovernment and institutions in sometimes rather bitter politicalquarrels, are fought over the more traditional forms of publicregulation such as financing. It will be interesting to see whatthe outcomes of recent government decisions on the higher educationsystem will be. They definitely share more characteristics with oldforms of regulation than with ‘steering from a distance’.”
Kwaliteitszorg uit handen
Dat de NVAO en niet de VBI’s de centrale actor is geworden in deborging van het hoger onderwijs is een thema, dat Dirk van
“Universities have pleaded for the reorganisation of the qualityassurance system, expecting that it would reduce overload and cost.But in fact, by abandoning the old and famous ‘Dutch model’ ofself-regulated quality assurance and by shifting the focus towardsinstitutional audits by the NVAO, universities now find themselveswith a new system which on balance is more characteristic of theold state inspectorate type of quality control than of peer reviewin hands of a self-regulating higher education community. If thehigher education system was really interested in self-regulationand keeping the state at a distance, it would have kept qualityassurance – as one of the most important mechanisms of publicaccountability – within its own realm.”
U leest Van Damme’s betoog bij Cheps