World map of internationalization

Nieuws | de redactie
18 november 2011 | What is the most popular destination for international students? Where do most of them come from? How does your country score? The Netherlands ranks on place 27 in attracting overseas students.

The news site “The Australian” created a comprehensive report on international higher education. Partof this is an interactive map indicating which countriesattract the most international students and where they comefrom.

According to their data, most Dutch students studying abroadchoose for the UK (3.201), Belgium (2.195) and the U.S. (1.839).The Netherlands itself is the 27th most popular studentdestination worldwide featuring particularly a great influx fromGermany (14.007), Belgium (974) and Suriname (370).

On a global level, the U.S. (660.581) is most successful inattracting international students followed by the UK (368.968) andAustralia (257.637). The biggest number of overseas students comesfrom China (510.314), India (195.107) and South Korea(125.165).

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