Geen dictatuur bij Bologna

Nieuws | de redactie
31 januari 2012 | Wit Rusland komt er niet in. De Europese HO ruimte (EHEA) heeft geen plaats voor een dictatuur waarin studenten en wetenschappers worden vervolgd en opponenten in strafkampen verdwijnen. Dit adviseert de Bologna Follow Up Group aan de betrokken 47 onderwijsministers.

‘On 30 November 2011, Belarus officially applied to become amember of the area. The Bologna Follow Up Group decided to adviseagainst EHEA membership of Belarus at its meeting on 18-19 Januaryin Copenhagen,’ zo meldt de Europese Studenten Unie.

Eerst academische vrijheid

Allan Päll, ESU’s chairperson, vertelt hierover; “We absolutelysupport that Belarussian repressed civil society must have everyopportunity to build contacts in Europe and while we are doing ourpart with establishing contacts ourselves, we think that lettingBelarus join the Bologna Process would only be used for governmentpropaganda and would improve little for students and academics infundamental issues such as their freedom of research andstudy.”

In zijn advisering stelt de Bologna Follow Up Group, datdictator Loekasjenko “should first take over all principles andvalues of the Bologna Process, such as academic freedom,institutional autonomy and student participation in highereducation governance.” Päll voegt daar aan toe: “If Belarus wantsto show willingness to join the Bologna Process, they must allowtheir students that have escaped the country and have been forcedto study elsewhere in Europe, to return to study in Belarus withoutany fear of repression while their academic freedom and right toassociation being guaranteed. That would be a great start.”

De ministersconferentie van de 47 ‘Bologna-staten’ buigt zich inapril te Boekarest over deze kwestie. Verwacht wordt dat men hetadvies zal volgen.

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