On the agenda – Week 2, 2011

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13 januari 2012 | What is the future of Greek innovation and HE? University rectors and government officials reach dead end in negotiations. Furthermore, in this week’s “On the agenda”: chance of extraterrestrial life boosted as Kepler finds hints at billions of exoplanets and MIT shares its excellence for free online.

What is on the agenda for higher education stakeholders all overthe world? Every week ScienceGuide presents you with a selection ofthe most important topics and items trending in social media.

Take 1 – Policy

@Nature: Greekscience on the brink.

@Jamshed Siddiqui: In India – Faculty shortagemay pose hurdle to four-year course plans.

@World Uni Rankings: Does Mars orbit the Earth,or have falling numbers lowered Japanese university entrancestandards catastrophically?

Take 2 – R&D

@SEN:Kepler finds 3 smallest exoplanets – 3 out of 100 billion+ planetsin our galaxy.

@A Hippo on Campus: A coffee per day keeps theadenosine at bay.

@Università Bocconi: Financial Supervision andCentral Banking: The Improvements Which Backfired.

Take 3 – Digitalization

@AegiSite: MIT to build online educationplatform: MIT will offer the same online learning experience to therest of the world as well.

@DougWard: What I’ve Learned from Teaching with iPads.

@TechCrunch: BenchPrep Is CodeAcademy For AnySubject, High School To Med School.

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