On the agenda – Week 5, 2012
What is on the agenda for higher education stakeholders all overthe world? Every week ScienceGuide presents you with a selection ofthe most important topics and items trending in social media.
Take 1 – Europe
@Vangelis Tsiligiris: The Debt Crisis and HigherEducation Reforms in Greece: A Catalyst for
@University of Kassel: International StudentMobility in Europe in the Context of Bologna
@News direct: UCAS publishes 2012 application
Take 2 – Policy
@Globe and Mail: University leaders want moreCanadians to study
@Andreas Schleicher: Skills matter – Developingan OECD Skills Strategy,
@The Local: Fees bring flurry of ‘fake’ collegesto Sweden: After the introduction of tuition fees to Swedish
Take 3 – R&D
@Nature News: Japan plans to merge major sciencebodies.
@Open Science Federation: Elsevier’s PublishingModel Might be About to Go Up in Smoke :: “a revolt of the
@Jules Evans: Royal Society – Neural evidencefor the non-utilitarian representation of sacred
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap