On the agenda – Week 6, 2012

Nieuws | de redactie
10 februari 2012 | How can digital technology enhance learning? Korea pioneers with its approach. Furthermore, in this week’s “On the agenda”: narcissism appears poisonous for men and donations are at the center of knowledge, power and universities.

What is on the agenda for higher education stakeholders all overthe world? Every week ScienceGuide presents you with a selection ofthe most important topics and items trending in social media.

Take 1 – Policy

@OECD: Watch how Korea is using digitaltechnology to stimulate a creative approach to learning.

@Harvard University: Exclusive Harvard GraduateSchool of Education interview with U.S. Secretary of Education ArneDuncan ’86 “Fighting the Wrong Education Battles“.

@University World News: EU commissioner says shewill ‘name and shame’ states that don’t speed up research reform.

Take 2 – R&D

@PLoSONE: Expensive Egos: Narcissistic Males Have Higher Cortisol.

@Thomas Roulet: Fillon – French Prime Minister -announces five more centres of excellence in research.

@Janet Ilieva: Cities with highest researchpublication output. Fastest growing Sao Paulo, Nanjing.

Take 3 – Finance

@AlJazeera: Power, knowledge and the universities.

@Stanford University: More than 166k donors madeThe Stanford Challenge campaign a $6.2 billion success.

@European University Association: ImplementingFull Costing to Support Financial Sustainability: EUIMA study visitpresentations now online.

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