On the agenda – Week 8, 2011
What is on the agenda for higher education stakeholders all overthe world? Every week ScienceGuide presents you with a selection ofthe most important topics and items trending in social media.
Take 1 – Policy
@CIHE: Think global or stay local? Finnishsector weighs its options.
@QS World University Rankings: Harvard for $6700a year?
@OECDEducation: Universities that charge moderate fees, combinedwith robust financial aid, promote access, equity &
Take 2 – Developing countries
@HigherEducation Authority: Libya looks to Ireland as a model foreducation
@TimeMagazine: The world’s largest university struggles to educatemillions of new students in
@EAIE: Indonesia – Controversy over compulsoryresearch publishing for all students.
Take 3 – R&D
@WallStreet Journal: People who work in cafes are onto something: amoderate level of noise prompts more-creative thought, a study
@Elspeth Jones: Belief in cultural superiorityhas declined among Americans across age, gender and education
@Nature Magazine: Wild flower blooms again after30,000 years on
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
@ScienceGuideEU: “No barriers for science,please” – Interview with Jason Wilde from Nature Publishing Groupon open access.
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap