Elite universities of tomorrow Far East
QS is known for its international
Top 10 under 50
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong (est.1963)
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST),Hong Kong (est. 1991)
- The University of Warwick, Great Britain (est. 1964)
- Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (est.1991)
- KAIST – Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology,South-Korea (est. 1971)
- University of York, Great Britain (est. 1963)
- Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH),South-Korea (est. 1986)
- Maastricht University, the Netherlands (est. 1976)
- City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (est. 1984)
- University of California, Irvine (UCI), United States (est.1965)
Especially, Hong Kong stands out in the
Maastricht University is the only institute from continentalEurope represented in the top. Warwick and York universities fromthe United Kingdom and UCI from the United States also make it tothe first 10 places.
Asia quickly catching up
Having a closer look at the type of institutions ranked, itbecomes apparent that scientific institutions fare particularlywell. Ben Sowter, head of QS research, comments: “New science-basedinstitutions have been established to drive innovation and growthin booming economies such as Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore. Theirsuperior performance compared to Western universities establishedwithin the same time frame is testament to Asia’s dynamism.”
This trend is further strengthened by greater investments intoresearch on behalf of Asian governments. China for instance doubledits research budget between 2009 and 2011. “These rankings suggestthe West’s advantage over Asia may be shrinking more quickly thananticipated.”
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