On the agenda – Week 20, 2012

Nieuws | de redactie
18 mei 2012 | Do “Likes” measure research relevance? Black market for Facebook “Likes” resembles citation cartels. Furthermore, in this week’s “On the agenda”: Saudi Arabia lures Brazilian talent with all-inclusive packages and quitting your tech job to study humanities pays.

What is on the agenda for higher education stakeholders all overthe world? Every week ScienceGuide presents you with a selection ofthe most important topics and items trending in socialmedia. 

Take 1 – R&D

@Scholarly Kitchen: The Black Market forFacebook “Likes,” and What It Means for Citations and Alt-Metrics.

@CIHE: European Union links research grants toopen access.

@MarkGraham: Data Transgression – “We increasingly reify [theInternet] as if it were a singular, invisible agency like God“.

Take 2 – Students

@Folha: Saudi Arabian University Pays Big BucksTo Recruit Brazil’s Best And Brightest.

@International Unit: UK – New rules on overseasstudents ‘will cost universities billions‘.

@OBHE: List ranks Chinese universities byprominent alumni.

Take 3 – Policy

@Stanford: Why you should quit your tech job andstudy humanities.

@Julie Harris: The 1st of OECD’s skills blogs inlead up to launch: What should students learn in the 21st century?

@Lloyd Armstrong: As student loans grow, so doesuniversity leadership pay.

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: The unemployment myth -education systems plagued by falling standards and growingmisalignment with the demand for skills.

@ScienceGuideEU: David Harel: “Turing was muchmore than a great scientist, he was a true visionary.”


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