On the agenda – Week 21, 2012

Nieuws | de redactie
25 mei 2012 | Does an extra year of education make you live longer? Data from a nationwide experiment in Sweden gives insights. Furthermore, in this week’s “On the agenda”: musical instrument is dated 40,000 years ago and higher tuition fees hamper Life Long Learning.

What is on the agenda for higher education stakeholders all overthe world? Every week ScienceGuide presents you with a selection ofthe most important topics and items trending in social media.

Take 1 – Policy

@Max Planck Society: Sweden’s enormous educationexperiment improved longevity.

@OBHE: Israeli peace movement to launch OnlineUniversity for Israeli and Arab students.

@OECDEducation: Weathering the Storm: The impact of the financialcrisis on Europe’s Higher Education Sector.

Take 2 – R&D

@Oxford University: Earliest musical instrumentsin Europe 40,000 years ago says study. New dating evidence andimage of mammoth ivory flute.

@New Straits Times: Where students go, RealEstate follows.

@University Ghent:  Academics seekingpromotion should be assessed for quality of teaching as well as research.

Take 3 – Students

@British Academy: Do higher fees deter maturestudents? A study analyzes impact on Life Long Learning.

@Global Higher Ed: Canada student protests inQuebec erupt into political crisis with mass arrests.

@Harvard Derek Bok Center: The Learning-StylesDebate: Missing the Point?

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: Ground zero after euro exit -What is the future of Greek higher education?

@ScienceGuideEU: Best practices for highereducation mergers and alliances.

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