Teaching excellence takes the next step
Last week, Roosevelt Academy and Harvard’s Derek Bok Centerconcluded their second workshop on excellent teaching. Two expertsfrom Harvard,
Teachers as mentors
Dutch education minister Marja van Bijsterveldt opened the eventwith a speech emphasizing the important role teachershave as learning facilitators. To her, “excellence is more thangetting straight A’s on all your exams.”
“Much more, it does ask for a motivation, curiosity and a broadinterest. To foster this, we need to guide young students withmentors who discover their talents and encourage to develop themfurther. This is where teachers come into play by giving space fororiginality and rewarding effort by learners.”
Lesson learned for Summit 2013
With an eye on the teaching summit in 2013, van Bijsterveldtalso urged the audience to bring lessons learned from this workshopinto the international debate on education. “In March next year,Amsterdam will host the
For the full speech by Marja van Bijsterveldt (in Dutch),click here.
If you would like to stay up to date to all news surroundingnext year’s summit, follow our news section “Teaching Summit 2013″via www.ScienceGuide.eu
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