Young Brits prefer Hotel Mum

Nieuws | de redactie
7 juni 2012 | Recent government data indicates that young British citizens increasingly prefer staying at home. This number has increased from 2.48 million to almost 3 million within 15 years. A research by the French insurer USEM shows that this may be healthy move.

More and more British citizens seem to recognize the intriguinglogic that home students are healthy students. The Guardian reported that of all 20-34 year oldsin the UK, there are 3 million still living with their parents.This number has increased by almost 20% up from 2.48 million in1997.

Males had a greater tendency of staying at home (1 out of 3),while women usually shied away from Hotel Mum (1 out of 6). Datafrom the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicated that thismay have to do with the phenomenon that young women are more likelyto be married to older partners compared to men in that agecategory.

Hotel Mama is healthier

Is this unwise? Maybe not. Research by Usem, a French health insurer,shows that this might in fact be a smart strategy. Particularlystudents that continue living with their parents after high schooltend to have a healthier lifestyle. Hotel Mama proves to be ahealth spa.

Usem inquired with 8.500 students how much alcohol, cigarettesand other drugs they consume. Data indicated that 1 out of 3students sharing a flat with peers would consume extraordinaryamounts of alcohol. An individual consumes extraordinary amounts ofalcohol if he/she drinks at least three glasses of beer/wine twicea week or more than seven glasses per month.

Among students living with their parents, only 1 out of 6students admitted to drinking at such levels. If a headache andother symptoms of becoming sick set in, 2/3 of these stay homerswould go straight to the doctor. For students living in sharedflats this is only the case for 50% of the people.

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