On the agenda – Week 35, 2012
What is on the agenda for higher education stakeholders all overthe world? Every week ScienceGuide presents you with a selection ofthe most important topics and items trending in social media.
Take 1 – R&D
@LSE Blog: The new higher education fees regimecould be damaging for the UK
@Scholarly Kitchen: Universities earn $1.4Billion in 2011 from restricting access to scientific results viapatent paywalls.
@Max-Planck Society: Indo-European languagesoriginate in Anatolia.
Take 2 – Policy
@Andreas Schleicher: Are students with poorschooling doomed for the lives? Data from PISA longitudinal studysuggest not
@INTONetwork: ‘There are 18 million university and technicalstudents in China and over one million studying in foreign
@World University Rankings: Korean governmentsays it is easing rules for universities – but still expects moreplaces than students by 2018.
Take 3 – Internationalization
@PIEnews: On the PIE: 69% of Portuguese plan to emigrate aftergraduation as the Euro debt crisis bites.
@CIHE:From ‘Strivers’ to ‘Highfliers,’ Report Explores Spectrum ofForeign
@Institute of International Education: U.S.higher education institutions see opportunity as Brazil sendsstudents abroad. Trade mission to Brazil.
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
@ScienceGuideEU: Which universities contributethe most to the U.S. student loan
@ScienceGuideEU: India announces 65% leap inuniversity