U.S. teachers: out off the Bermuda triangle
Unlike other professional schools, teacher preparation programsare held to inconsistent and often weak standards, enablingineffective programs to receive state approval and nationalaccreditation, states the Association of American Educators,
Higher education teacher preparation programs prepare nearly 90%of the 240,000 new teachers who are hired each year.
In a
Towards more student success
With the teaching profession growing and evolving, one themethat remains constant is the fact that effective teachers are thekey to student success. Studies have shown that educationschools are deeply in need of reform. From attracting top highschool graduates, to improving the quality of instruction,institutions that prepare future teachers must be able to produceresults. In order to bring our colleges of education into a new eraof success, AAE now joins the list of endorsers of the
The AAE members agree that the US teacher preparation systemneeds to be reformed. In addition to supporting alternativecertification programs for degreed professionals and intensetraining programs like Teach For America, AAE members are eager tosee changes in how our new teachers are trained.
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