On the agenda – Week 40, 2012

Nieuws | de redactie
5 oktober 2012 | Teach First as the solution for social work and how casteist is Indian Higher Education. Furthermore, in this week’s “On the agenda”: Beekeepers using particle accelerators and Andreas Schleicher’s experiences at the Teach First conference.

Take 1 -Teach First

@AlexStevensKent: What do social workers think of Teach First style model for children’s social work?

@IsabelHardman: Stephen Twigg’s new deal for teachers includes doubling of Teach First programme at the expense of uni-based courses

@SchleicherEDU  Read my lesson in teaching from the grassroots impressions from the Teach First Conference

Take 2 – R&D

@PLOSONE: 1.5-million-year-old human skull fragment shows signs of anemia; earliest evidence for regular meat consumption

@symmetrymag: Beekeepers use particle accelerators to fight disease and infection in their hives 

@MITnews: Women’s impact in clean energy is growing worldwide

Take 3 – India

@TimesOfIndia: Australia colleges to shut but Indians offered cover

@IndianHigherEducation: Only 22% funds utilised for upgrading ITIs through PPPs: With higher allocations in store for skill upgradation

@vijayan_rect: How casteist is our varsity? Caste discrimination takes on insidious forms in higher education institutions in India

 …and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: A Virus as the Future of Internet

@ScienceGuideEU: Steep Rise in US Student Depth

@ScienceGuideEU: Erasing Erasmus


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