Open Access Week: Reusing and Sharing Research Data
Attention to research data
This is the sixth International Open Access Week. In the firstfew years, the focus was primarily on Open Access publication, inboth Open Access journals and repositories. This year, much of theemphasis will be on research data.
The idea is not always for research data to be made openlyavailably immediately but – thanks to careful data management – toimprove the storage and availability of research data and to enableits reuse. Maastricht, Groningen, and Tilburg Universities areorganizing seminars for researchers on dealing carefully withresearch data.
“We can’t avoid it: Open Access is the future,” says AntonFranken, Vice-President of the Executive Board of RadboudUniversity Nijmegen. Radboud University started its
“Open Access is important both for the researchers and for theuniversity itself because it improves the visibility of theresearch involved.”
Social media
Improving the visibility of research increasingly involvesmaking use of social media. In Amsterdam, the two researchuniversities and the university of applied sciences have joinedforces this year.
They intend providing researchers with practical informationabout how to publish material via Open Access and how socialmedia can be used to draw attention to your research. InUtrecht, the research university and the university of appliedsciences will be promoting Open Access with a Twitter Festival.
Beyond the borders
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Delft University of Technology,Leiden University, and the International Institute of SocialStudies (ISS) have joined together to look beyond the nationalborders. They are organizing a symposium on
The program of the Dutch Open Access Week can be found
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Europe’s leading fundamental research institute,
The League of European Research Universities (LERU) created a
Cambridge’s new Open Access
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