On the Agenda – 2013

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21 december 2012 | In the last week of 2012 India launches an Open Data website and China funds universities in Africa. What will 2013 bring? Certainly more MOOCs, Open Access, and the Teaching Summit in Amsterdam. However most, like the future of Horizon2020, is still unknown.

Take 1 – Higher Education

@AEI: The American Enterprise Institute calculates the cost of college education: “annual returns tops 16 percent, far exceeding investments such as stocks or bonds

@uniworldnews: New trend for 2013? Chinese-funded science university in Malawi completed

@Tsiligiris:  How students become consumers of higher education


Take 2 – R&D

@Cambridge_Uni: ‘Big pharma’ companies are deploying their massive financial resources to capture  the process for the scientific recommendation of drugs in Poland

@princeton: The best-laid plans: How we update our goals based on new information

@Naturenews: Time to stop relying on things past. US science advocates are depending on strategies and statistics that may not survive contemporary politics, says David Golston


Take 3 – Open Data, Open Access and MOOCs

@timeshighered: Open University launches British MOOCs platform to rival US providers

@OpenNotion: India launches Open Data website

@SpringerOpen: Dramatic Growth of Open Access 2012


Extra Take – Irish EU presidency

@innovationunion: What will Irelands presidency and 2013 bring for Horizon2020?

@EU_commission: From the first of January, Ireland will be chairing the EU,

@eu2013ie: Máire Geoghegan, Ireland’s EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science wants to fund top research chair in less-developed regions

@ScienceGuideEU: Meet Irish Education Minister Quinn


This week on ScienceGuideEU:

@ScienceGuideEU:  Can Greek higher education survive 2013?

@ScienceGuideEU:  Benjamin Barber, Pragmatism versus Al Qaeda and Toyota


And ScienceGuideEU looks ahead…

@ScienceGuideEU: In the US’s international education strategy, the upcoming Summit of the Teaching Profession in Amsterdam plays a key role

@ScienceGuideEU: Michael Shackleton on Barroso’s quiet democratic revolution

@ScienceGuideEU: Teenager and Google outshine Medical Science

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