On the Agenda – 2013
Take 1 – Higher Education
@AEI: The American Enterprise Institute calculates the cost of college education: “annual returns tops 16 percent, far exceeding investments such as stocks or bonds“
@uniworldnews: New trend for 2013? Chinese-funded science university in Malawi completed
@Tsiligiris: How students become consumers of higher education
Take 2 – R&D
@Cambridge_Uni: ‘Big pharma’ companies are deploying their massive financial resources to capture the process for the scientific recommendation of drugs in Poland.
@princeton: The best-laid plans: How we update our goals based on new information
@Naturenews: Time to stop relying on things past. US science advocates are depending on strategies and statistics that may not survive contemporary politics, says David Golston
Take 3 – Open Data, Open Access and MOOCs
@timeshighered: Open University launches British MOOCs platform to rival US providers
@OpenNotion: India launches Open Data website
@SpringerOpen: Dramatic Growth of Open Access 2012
Extra Take – Irish EU presidency
@innovationunion: What will Irelands presidency and 2013 bring for Horizon2020?
@EU_commission: From the first of January, Ireland will be chairing the EU,
@eu2013ie: Máire Geoghegan, Ireland’s EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science wants to fund top research chair in less-developed regions
@ScienceGuideEU: Meet Irish Education Minister Quinn
This week on ScienceGuideEU:
@ScienceGuideEU: Can Greek higher education survive 2013?
@ScienceGuideEU: Benjamin Barber, Pragmatism versus Al Qaeda and Toyota
And ScienceGuideEU looks ahead…
@ScienceGuideEU: In the US’s international education strategy, the upcoming Summit of the Teaching Profession in Amsterdam plays a key role
@ScienceGuideEU: Michael Shackleton on Barroso’s quiet democratic revolution
@ScienceGuideEU: Teenager and Google outshine Medical Science
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