Stem op uw Saturnus foto

Nieuws | de redactie
4 oktober 2012 | De Cassini/Huygens sonde is 15 jaar geleden gelanceerd. Geen missie naar Saturnus heeft ons zoveel kennis en ook zoveel schitterende beelden opgeleverd. Grote maan Titan, ijsvulkanen op Encladus, het kan niet op. U mag nu de meest geliefde foto bepalen van NASA.

What’s your favorite Cassini moment? Come vote and let us knowthe one that stands out for you.

Thanks to the input from Cassini scientists and engineers, aswell as the tremendous response from site visitors earlier thisyear, we’ve been able to narrow the field to the following 15outstanding choices. Take a moment and click on the images to seethem expanded up top, and check out the story behind each image.When you’ve made your choice, click on the “Vote!” button and you’ll be able to seeimmediately where your pick ranks compared to the votes alreadycast.

Come back on Oct. 15, 2012 – the 15th anniversary of the Cassinispacecraft launch – when we’ll lock the top pick. But remember, themission will still be flying. So keep coming back to see brand newshining moments.

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