On the Agenda – Week 06, 2013
Take 1 – New EU budget
@Eartobrussels: raft European Council Conclusions on the MFF and Horizon2020 to get around €69.5bn compared to the initial €80
@Guardian: EU leaders on brink of historic budget deal
@jduch: EU budget: what is all about? Find out the facts and figures in our infographics
@BarrosoEU: “I’ll fight hard for the European dimension of our budget: #Horizon2020, #connectingeurope, #COSME, #Erasmus for All #euco”
Take 2 – Germany
@saheedCNN: Germany’s education minister loses her Ph.D. for plagiarism. What was her dissertation on? Conscience!
@karinfisher: BMWs, beer, and education: Why Germany makes university know-how a key export
@maxplanckpress: Why British students are heading to Germany
Take 3 – R&D
@MIT_CSAIL launches initiative that aims to help students turn computer science ideas into successful start-ups.
@Stanford: Immune systems of healthy adults “remember” the germs they’ve never encountered, study led by Prof. Mark Davis finds
@HarvardResearch: Mapping a megacity’s metabolism
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
@ScienceGuideEU: EU: Gifts to bullies, not to research
@ScienceGuideEU: Green cards for engineers?
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