On the Agenda – Week 09, 2013

Nieuws | de redactie
4 maart 2013 | Teachers and policy makers around the globe prepare themselves for the International Teaching Summit in Amsterdam and Bavaria will phase out tuition fees. Also, on this week’s agenda, are we on the brink of discovering extraterrestrial life?

Take 1 – #ISTP2013

@Schleicher_edu: Teachers for the 21st Century: Using Evaluation to Improve Teaching: Background report for International Teacher’s Summit

@arneduncan: Business leaders get it, just like parents do: Preschool is the smartest investment we can make

@fareedzakaria: Obama’s proposal to expand early-childhood education is vitally important for upward mobility  

Take 2 – Students

@Universityworldnews: Bavaria to scrap tuition fees

@Esutwt: What can we do to enhance students’ representation in dictatorschip Belarus?

@yahoofinance: Since 1997, the total value of student loans has ballooned over 800%, from $92 billion to $833 billion

Take 3 – R&D

@SmithsonianMag: Dying stars could lead us to life: researchers devised a way to search for oxygen in the atmosphere of exoplanets

@AAUniversities: Starvation diet: A severe approach to slashing US spending bodes ill for the research enterprise.

@Metode_Eng: TedTalk on Deconstructing stereotypes: the myth of the (girl) scientist

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: TED prize for Indian Cloud-School

@ScienceGuideEU: English only doesn’t find you a job

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