On the Agenda – Week 17, 2013
Take 1 – EU
@xAlan_Matthews: Strong Irish Presidency speech regrets EP cancellation of MFF trilogue meeting today EU-budget
@innovationunion: Rudi Pauwels (BE): What is needed to exit the crisis and help Europe’s economy to grow?
@SomaliaEU: Education is key to Somalia’s future and the EU is committed in stepping up support to primary education
Take 2 – Open Access
@Czernie: The cost of academic journals in 2013- scary reading
@OpenAccessMKD: Open and Shut? Open Access in Poland: Interview with Bozena Bednarek-Michalska
@EFF: California is paving the way to bring Open Access to taxpayer-funded research
Take 3 – Space
@Bigthink: How to Build a Deflector Shield for Deep Space Travel
@Epistembiotech: How space-based research can be used to aid cancer research on Earth
@NASA: NASA Prepares For International Space Biology Research Mission, 45 Mice and 8 Gerbils will become an astronaut.
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
@ScienceGuideEU: The EU budget for research and Horizon2020 will not return to current levels until 2017
@ScienceGuideEU: A bumpy start for Pan European MOOCs