On the Agenda – Week 18, 2013

Nieuws | de redactie
3 mei 2013 | Technology can “connect teachers to a genuine profession”, Andreas Schleicher shows. How do these genuine professionals cope with this ever-changing world where unemployment is the new standard?

Take 1 – Teaching

@SchleicherEDU: Technology can connect teachers to a genuine profession – my interview at Education World Forum

@obsPascal: Coursera Announces Professional Development Courses to Facilitate Lifelong Learning for Teachers

@RichardDawkins: Any science teacher who tells children “Evolution is only a theory” should seek another job which doesn’t need intelligence or knowledge

Take 2 – Unemployment

@ComradeWong: Felix Salmon vs. Thomas Friedman on how should pensions be organized. And American workers are in trouble

@Colinmclean: EU monetary policy clearly doing nothing for unemployment. Change needed not rate cuts.

@NBTWT: The Fed Engaging In Quantitative Easing Until Unemployment Falls Is Like a Medieval Doctor Bleeding a Patient with Leeches Until His Iron Deficiency Goes Away

Take 3 – Sustainability

@DavidQuist: And it’s not just bees: New research shows aquatic inverts highly impacted by imidacloprid pollution. Hello, food webs?

@plosone: Is it possible to reduce the impact of oil drilling in the Amazon rainforest?

@tmaythai: What does scientific research really say about organic foods? Is buying organic “worth it?”

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: Another chapter in social psychology’s problematic history? Scientists rerun 9 experiments, all reproductions failed

@ScienceGuideEU: Meet Italy’s new Education Minister Carrozza. This world-class robotics researcher has to reform science & education.

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