Balten leiden EU

Nieuws | de redactie
1 juli 2013 | Een historisch moment: een Baltische tijger wordt voor het eerst voorzitter van de EU. Litouwen wil vooral ook trekken aan het bestrijden van de jeugdwerkloosheid, zo maakt het land bekend bij de start van zijn ‘half jaar Europa.’ Grootste evenement zal gaan over de agenda van Neelie Kroes.

Op de speciale website van het Litouwse voorzitterschap zijn de hoofdpunten van agenda en prioriteiten goed terug te vinden. Ook is een volledig overzicht van de activiteiten opgenomen.

Drie kerndoelen

The Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU will focus on the three goals of credible, growing and open Europe. The Presidency’s efforts will be directed at further strengthening the ground for financial stability, continuing work to establish the banking union and implementing new agreed rules on economic governance.

Further integration of the single market, including energy, the focus on digital agenda and measures for better employment opportunities, in particular for youth, will make the European economic and social model more solid. Lithuania will promote closer integration of the EU and its Eastern Partners, the continuation of the enlargement policy, free trade with strategic partners and effective management of the EU external borders.

Vol en complex

Lithuania expects an extensive and complex agenda. The workload will be even greater than usual as we are presiding at the end of an EU institutional cycle, where the European Parliament and European Commission will seek to complete work started before the 2014 election. In terms of the EU Presidency, Lithuania will have to “manage” some 560 issues on the EU agenda, and seek compromises acceptable to all.

Besides the regular EU legislative agenda, there will be another only seven-yearly task for the Presidency, related to the several dozens of EU legislation on the implementation of the EU multiannual budget (2014–2020). Lithuania will also need to reach agreement regarding the annual EU 2014 budget.


The conference on information and communication technologies as well as exhibition will be held along with the European Commission, and will take place in Vilnius on 6–8 November. Top information technology scientists, company representatives and strategy makers of digital technologies will discuss issues regarding the policy of European information and communication technology. This will be the largest event during the Lithuanian Presidency, expecting up to 4,000 guests.

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