Computers in chemistry

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2 juli 2013 | Computer modelling in chemistry is a difficult matter and needs a lot of computational power. The Netherlands eScience Center offers a helping hand and organizes the Dutch Computers in Chemistry Symposium at the KNAW Trippenhuis on the 5th of July.

In the Trippenhuis, chemical scientists from universities across Europe will share their experiences in using computer modelling and big data for their scientific research. Keynote-speaker of the event is Prof. dr. Wilfred van Gunsteren from ETH Zürich who will explain why modelling in chemistry is more difficult than in disciplines like aeronautics and civil engineering.

Van Gunsteren is a professor in Zürich in computer aided chemistry since 1990 where he studies methods for the simulation of the behavior of biomolecular systems, their conversion into computer programs and their application in problems of practical interest. His work got him the Max-Planck Forschungspreis für Chemie und Pharmazie 2002.

The latest developments

The symposium will bring together speakers from around the country, representing the breadth of computational chemistry, chemometrics, molecular modelling and cheminformatics. The goal of this meeting is to highlight the latest scientific advances within the broad field of computational chemistry and provide the opportunity to bring together researchers from around The Netherlands to discuss, exchange ideas and develop collaborations.

The “Dutch Computers in Chemistry Symposium” is organized in partnership with the “International Chemical Design & Discovery Course” in Nijmegen which is held from July 1st until July 12th. The conference in Amsterdam will be opened by NWO-Chairman Jos Engelen.

The full program can be found here, free registration here

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