On the agenda, week 34 – 2013

Nieuws | de redactie
23 augustus 2013 | Creative Commons director Cable Green discusses the MOOC-business case, prehistoric man already spiced up his food with garlic and… the US makes college more affordable, but public opinion opposes free education for children of illegal immigrants.

Take 1 – Open Educational Resources

@timeshighered: The feminist alternative to the Mooc is the ‘Docc’.

@heleenmills: Want to start making a Mooc but don’t know how? University of Liverpool publishes a manual.

@cgreen: A challenging question on Moocs – the one about the business case – is tentatively answered by dr. Cable Green.

Take 2 – Food

@SPIEGEL_Wissen: Prehistoric man already used garlic and other spices to flavor his food.

@research_uk: Gastric bypass surgery for obesity not only changes the gut, but also the brain’s response to food.

@topsciencenews: Nagging your mother for food? If you’re a  burying beetle larvae you might get eaten as a punishment.

Take 3 – US

@arneduncan: Arne Duncan shares President Obama’s plan to make college more affordable.

@GlobalChronicle: Chinese applications for American universities declined with 3 per cent.

@ICTScoop: most Americans oppose free education for children of illegal immigrants.

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: The tipping point for Open Access is nearing much faster than expected.

@ScienceGuideEU: Rector Rentier of the University of Liège calls Shanghai rankings ‘absurd’, and this has nothing to do with ULg’s own position.

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