On the Agenda – Week 35, 2013
Take 1 – Animals
@PlantTeaching: The Ugly Animal Preservation Society is in search of a new mascot to help giving a voice to ‘aesthetically challenged creatures’. You can still vote.
@WageningenINT: testing unnecessary when determining safety of genetically-modified crops, say researcher from Wageningen University.
@newscientist: Use your biodiversity app on your mobile – Cicada Hunt – to keep track of endangered species.
Take 2 – Big Data
@gigaom: LinkedIn University Pages are a case study in building big data apps the right way.
@studiozeitgeist: the world’s richest football league is embracing big data, scanning for players.
@BIG_FP7: See the Big Data Industry Atlas of Big Data-startups here.
Take 3 – EU
@innovationunion: Who contributed to the Horizon 2020-package? The EU gives a complete overview of the consultations.
@LaszloAndorEU: is critical of the minimal improvements in tackling youth unemployment.
@EU_enterprise: The European Space Expo goes on a roadshow this autumn, visiting Rome, Vilnius, Tallinn, Munich and Lisbon.
And this week on ScienceGuide EU…
@ScienceGuideEU: Meet the teacher of the future: the ‘social media influencer’.
@ScienceGuideEU: PISA scores not comparable? Andreas Schleicher strikes back.
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