On the agenda – week 36, 2013
Take 1 – Archaeology
@timoreilly: the Romans were pioneers in nanotechnology, proves an ancient chalice that changes colour when lit from behind.
@natgeo: In the slipstream of Egyptian unrest, archaeological museums are ransacked.
@novapbs: Catanian scientist reenact wine-making just as Virgil described it.
Take 2 – Finances
@HuffPostCollege: These are the five donators to U.S. colleges.
@SmithsonianMag: Artists unhappy? According to this study artists enjoy higher job satisfaction than other employees. Not because of their income, but because of their autonomy.
@LSEImpactBlog: What would happen if researchers themselves decided on the allocation of research funding?
Take 3 – China
@Janetllieva: China’s education ministry has put forward plans to decrease the amount of homework pupils must do each day.
@richardhorton: China is now the third largest country submitting to The Lancet. Chinese scientific leaders explain why.
@ftherin: Korean Students Increasingly Choosing China Over US For Higher Studies.
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
@ScienceGuideEU: European Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn is convinced that old fashioned, ‘spoon-feeding’, universities will lose the battle for talent.
@ScienceGuideEU: A team of Europe’s most successful tech entrepreneurs wants to lure European brains back from the U.S.
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