Azië inspireert Nieuw Zeeland

Nieuws | de redactie
1 oktober 2013 | In aanloop naar de vierde ‘Obama Summit’ over het leraarschap, straks in Nieuw Zeeland, heeft hun minister van Onderwijs een reis aangekondigd naar Azië. Hekia Parata wil met haar delegatie van onderwijsleiders inspiratie opdoen en leren van landen die hoog staan in de PISA rankings.

Education Minister Hekia Parata has invited a delegation of education sector leaders to travel to Hong Kong and Singapore in mid-October to look at jurisdictions in the Asia Pacific region which are rated highly in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings.

“In anticipation of hosting the 4th International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) in 2014 I have asked the delegation to investigate the characteristics of these top performing systems, and report on what can be learned, and what might be applicable to the New Zealand context,” says Ms Parata.

The delegation is to be led by the Secretary for Education, Peter Hughes and will include representatives from: New Zealand Post Primary Teachers’ Association, New Zealand Educational Institute, New Zealand Principals Federation, New Zealand School Trustees Association, Secondary Principals Association of New Zealand and Te Tari Puna Ora o Aotearoa New Zealand Childcare Association.

We cannot be complacent

“New Zealand has a good track-record on the international stage in reading and literacy proficiency levels. However, we cannot be complacent and must respond to data which shows that our system is not performing well for everyone, in particular our Maori and Pasifika boys.”

“This is not just a concern for children who are falling behind – it’s a concern for everyone. It’s a system-wide issue that we must all own and we need to learn from those who are ranked ahead of us in the PISA rankings. We cannot be complacent. The delegation will be meeting with the architects of the education systems, lead teachers and academics with the intention of returning to New Zealand with a set of findings for further exploration.

“I am very much looking forward to the delegation’s report on their observations of Hong Kong and Singapore. I am particularly interested in how these jurisdictions have successfully invested in strengthening and raising the status of the profession, and have cultivated peer-led learning for teachers and principals. Like Singapore and Hong Kong we are keen to ensure that our education system brings out the best in every child.”

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