On the Agenda – Week 40, 2013

Nieuws | de redactie
4 oktober 2013 | After the hype is over, e-learning will be the norm, Stephen Haggard predicts. Also in this week’s ‘on the agenda: Pupils who rank higher in a subject go on achieve more than similar pupils who had the same test score but lower rank.

Take 1 – Open Education Resources

@guzmanadrian: After the hype is over, e-learning will be the norm, predicts Stephen Haggard

@opencontent: The “Open” Education Alliance

@Elinmccallum: Interesting publication on Assessment and Accreditation of Learners using Open Education Resources

Take 2 – UK Students

@jasonelsom: VIDEO: Student numbers in the UK rise despite higher fees

@ShellyAsquith: I wrote an article for the Guardian on art students, protest and international solidarity

@BBCeducation: Students face cost-of-living crisis

Take 3 – Research

@LSEpoliticsblog: Pupils who rank higher in a subject go on achieve more than similar pupils who had the same test score but lower rank

@MIT: Presenting a surprisingly simple scheme for self-assembling robots

@vrzone: 19-year-old inventor finds way to clean up the world’s oceans in under 5 years time

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: After the MOOC hype of 2012, the EU is Opening up Education and urgently needs a lot of digitally confident teachers

@ScienceGuideEU:  As the number of students in higher education is growing, so is the corruption in the education sector

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