On the Agenda – Week 42, 2013
Take 1 – MOOCs
@MOOCNewsReviews: Using “Traditional” e-learning to Launch MOOCs: A Q&A With Colorado State’s Distance Ed Team
@ChrisParrTHE: MOOC creators criticize courses’ lack of creativity
@wfvanvalkenburg: Can UX Design Improve MOOC Completion Rates?
Take 2 – Innovation
@TheAtlantic: The Innovators Who Are Transforming U.S. Education
@po_st: Stella Takes First At World Solar Challenge — “World’s First Solar-Powered Family Car” Wins Michelin Cruiser Class
@Stem_Works: Researchers are creating a new type of prosthetic leg that adjusts to natural walking
Take 3 – Data Visualization
@FastCompany: Visualizing A Global Population Explosion With Bacteria Cities
@Wired: 13 of the best infographics of 2013
@johnpaul: How Foursquare Made Those Insane Data Visualizations
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
@ScienceGuideEU: Copyright deadlock: Innovation through data mining? Impossible with copyright that dates back to Victor Hugo.
@ScienceGuideEU: Ambition in the Andes. Ecuador builds topnotch ‘City of Knowledge’ to reform economy and lift millions from poverty
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