On the Agenda – Week 02, 2014

Nieuws | de redactie
17 januari 2014 | Big Data is coming to higher education, admission offices know more about applicants than you think. Also in this week’s ‘on the agenda: the emerging knowledge economy of the United Arabic Emirates.

Take 1 – Online Education

@theobhe: A new university bets on a hybrid online-learning model 

@timokos: The State of Open: a discovery into Open Educational Resources

@Edutech_utb: The current state of MOOCs

Take 2 – Economy

@Pennstatenews: Probing Question: Is a liberal arts education relevant in today’s economy?

@TheNationalUAE: A knowledge economy begins with funding for research

@lexhoogduin: A Dutch Cure for the Dutch Disease by Michael J. Boskin

Take 3 – Big Data

@kairyssdal: Big Data comes to higher education. Why the admissions office knows more about your high-schooler than you think.

@STkonrath: Research: Google’s Music Timeline shows the popularity of genres, artists, subgenre over time

@GuardianData: Big Data: 4 predictions for 2014

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: Luc Soete, Rector Maastricht University predicts “radical processes of creative destruction” in academia

@ScienceGuideEU: With the Swiss on board, will Horizon 2020 run like a clock? EU-Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn shows mutual benefits

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