On the Agenda – Week 05, 2014

Nieuws | de redactie
7 februari 2014 | How is second chance education regulated around the world. Also in this week’s ‘on the agenda’: Why does South Korea hate its world-class education system?

Take 1 – Second Chance Education

@emmy_arts: ‘Second chance’ routes into higher education Sweden, Norway and Germany compared.

@EHChalus: Shortsighted move: Further education funding cuts hit students looking for a second chance

@Meetasengupta: On Dropouts and Second Chances in India.

Take 2 – South Korea

@theobhe: Pink slip handed to ‘bad universities’ in South Korea

@litaaja: Book Club: South Korea Hates Its World-Class Education System

@MindShiftKQED: South Korea is starting to think about improving student happiness, not just test scores

Take 3 – R&D

@naturenews: China becomes world’s third-largest producer of research articles

@UniofOxford: Power lines don’t raise risk of leukemia in children

@EPFL_en: Scientists will track people’s emotions via their tweets during the Sochi Winter Olympics

…and this week on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: A Herculean Task. Can Greece’s ambitious EU Presidency agenda repair its “weakest link” reputation?

@ScienceGuideEU: NATO Secretary General Rasmussen predicts growing technological divide between U.S. and EU: cooperation will become difficult

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