On the agenda – Week 27, 2014

Nieuws | de redactie
4 juli 2014 | CERN celebrates its sixtieth anniversary. Also in this week’s ‘On the Agenda’: Half of Germany is now powered by solar energy and researchers plan to demo an artificial leaf in coming months. But can technology improve on photosynthesis?

Take 1 – CERN

@CERN: CERN and @UNESCO celebrate the anniversary of the signature of the CERN Convention

@Rincon_P: What does the Higgs boson tell us about lifetime of the Universe?

@AswinSanghi: Inside CERN’s $10 billion collider. 

Take 2 – Solar Energy

@ieducator: Half of Germany Now Powered by Solar Energy

@NatureNews: Researchers plan to demo an artificial leaf in coming months. But can technology improve on photosynthesis?

@BarackObama: Solar Energy is more accessible than you think: #ActOnClimate in your own community. #PutSolarOnIt 

Take 3 – Europe

@TheObhe: Greece: Elections bring change but not hope for universities 

@ForbesEurope: Why The World Loves A British Education 

@RussiaBeyond: Russians will be able to study abroad for free

 …and on ScienceGuideEU

@ScienceGuideEU: We entrust our children –and our countries’ future– to teachers; but do we really know how they feel about teaching?

@ScienceGuideEU: The potential of synthetic biologyseems limitless, ranging from vaccinations to the solution to the world’s energy problem

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