On the agenda – Week 32, 2014
Take 1 – Higher Education
The Future of College? http://t.co/tKZU8fyUBk via @TheAtlantic #US #FutureHE #Minerva #ForProfitHE #HEreform #XborderHE #IBCs
— The OBHE (@theobhe) August 14, 2014
Indian academic’s perspective: India’s outdated approach to education is hurting students & academia #intled http://t.co/toNhsdCLe6
— Edu Intelligence (@eduintelligence) August 14, 2014
Check out our #mobilitydatatool to see changing trends in UK #HigherEd #studentmobility: http://t.co/7wfRnKmDfH pic.twitter.com/yCMofTtNZi
— Going Global (@HEGoingGlobal) August 13, 2014
Take 2 – Science 2.0
Have your say on the future of science: public consultation on #Science20 http://t.co/2GD95ImZgm #openresearch #opengov @opendata
— Digital Agenda (@DigitalAgendaEU) August 14, 2014
Online collaboration: a Nature survey of the rise of academic social #networks http://t.co/gGuHiQJIeB pic.twitter.com/Ag7SrMwQI5 RT@NatureBlogs
— Max Planck Society (@maxplanckpress) August 14, 2014
Are @google working on a free, #openaccess platform for research and publishing? And what if they were? http://t.co/EuIJgsOfaS #openscience
— Open Science (@openscience) August 14, 2014
Take 3 – Teaching
When the whole classroom is white—except for the professor: http://t.co/Hhnadq5INW
— Chronicle (@chronicle) August 13, 2014
Why don’t teachers participate in PD? Conflicts w work schedules (51%) & lack of incentives (48%) http://t.co/ohalyc3fRl #OECDTALIS
— OECD Education (@OECD_Edu) August 13, 2014
…and on ScienceGuideEU
A river full of pharmaceuticals and herbicides? Time to bring in the mussels! http://t.co/kXeCXFQ36S
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) August 13, 2014
How can China save its cities as livable spaces? A new report tries to bring some solutions http://t.co/eaaYxyxdR5
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) August 11, 2014
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
“Schade door aangekondigde langstudeerboete doet zich nu al voor”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”