On the agenda – Week 37, 2014
Take 1– Higher Education
New Rankings show Problems, Promise, in Arab Higher Education http://t.co/t5m79DVVJu via @AlFanarMedia #MENA #HigherEd #HErankings
— The OBHE (@theobhe) September 22, 2014
Erasmus Impact Study confirms EU student exchange scheme boosts employability and job mobility #voced http://t.co/GrNuiTu9lh
— PASCAL Observatory (@obspascal) September 22, 2014
Thousands of HK students at boycott http://t.co/9vDC9ZAhvA
— BBC Education (@bbceducation) September 22, 2014
Take 2– Research
I’m rolling out the red carpet on the Red Planet for the newest Mars orbiter. Welcome, @MAVEN2Mars! pic.twitter.com/y6Rdw91sew
— Curiosity Rover (@MarsCuriosity) September 22, 2014
A new piece in the #autism puzzle http://t.co/ESaMLtMV4i study by @MPI_NL
— Max Planck Society (@maxplanckpress) September 19, 2014
World population unlikely to stop growing this century http://t.co/a34omV2lpP
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) September 18, 2014
Take 3– Europe
Your #H2020 pocket guide now exists as an #ebook in all EU langs http://t.co/a1Ar9D1L6D
— Horizon 2020 (@EU_H2020) September 22, 2014
How ‘digital’ are European #Governments? #gov20 http://t.co/PViSlOa88x pic.twitter.com/RYermezWNu
— Good Government (@GovernmentGood) September 22, 2014
EU science and technology #Flagships will have a great impact on various sectors in the next 10 years http://t.co/05tkquFiJi @EU_H2020
— FET Flagships (@FETFlagships) September 19, 2014
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
10 problems and 10 solutions in schools in Finland, analysed by @TommiLaitio, give lots of insight and homework http://t.co/FM6eYC50T5
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) September 16, 2014
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap