Challenges for educational reform
The conference taking place from november the 3d to the 5th in Paris will try to deepen the understanding of the “transversal themes of systemic complexity”, fostering trust and promising approaches to accountability and evaluation in contexts of innovation that might help forge new policy directions.
The OECD is signalling that education is losing the race with the pace of innovation in technology and in the skills-demand of 21st century economies and the many social changes of contemporary globalised societies. At the same time significant reform is often difficult. This is caused in part because actual teaching and learning are far removed from direct policy influence and in part because education systems have become increasingly complex. Evidence does not qualify the image of education as being inherently innovation-averse. But innovation is certainly not yet systemic in nature and often happening only in isolated pockets.
During the conference four bodies of analysis with expert networks will be brought together:
- Governing Complex Education Systems (GCES), exploring new forms of governance, bringing in multiple school accountability, knowledge mobilisation, complexity theory, and trust.
- Innovation strategy (IS) has built up a detailed understanding on what can be done to make education systems more innovative.
- Innovative Learning Environments (ILE), especially its third and final strand on ‘Implementation and Change’.
- Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning (ITEL) on how teaching is innovating and improving learning outcomes and is clarifying the nature of teacher professionalism in the 21st century.
In addition to these different strands of CERI analyses, the conference will draw on OECD work and expertise from outside CERI, and indeed outside education altogether. It will thus relate to other streams such as education policy-making and strategies for skills development, and join up to key findings from other parts of the Organisation.
- To consider a substantial body of newly-completed, forward-looking international analyses on innovation and governance in education, and identify their implications for reform.
- To explore important transversal themes (including complexity, accountability and innovation, trust, evidence, evaluating innovations, professionalism, the transnational dimension) that can best be understood from diverse perspectives.
- To clarify the nature of learning systems and how they can be created and governed, including but extending well beyond formal education provision.
To address these questions, the conference will allow for the active exchange of all participants in a series of plenary and smaller seminar sessions which will be led by OECD-Secretary-General Ángel Gurría, OCED-director for Education Andreas Schleicher, CERI-head Dirk van Damme and award-winning film producer Lord David Puttnam.
Please note that this event is by invitation only. If you wish to participate, please send an email to
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