On the Agenda – Week 49, 2014
Take 1 –Education
Why Africa should be the next focus for UK global higher education drive http://t.co/gIjz63S4Tn #highered via @ConversationUK
— HEFCE (@HEFCE) December 11, 2014
MIT prof accused of sexual harrassment within an MITx MOOC; course gone, prof relationship w MIT gone http://t.co/cLYBAQ1W7A
— Phil Hill (@PhilOnEdTech) December 10, 2014
Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2014: MOOCs, Outsourcing, and Online Education http://t.co/XK3uHxZYEa
— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) December 10, 2014
Education in Indonesia: School’s in http://t.co/vTgiAkw1c7 via @TheEconomist #EduPolicy #EduReform
— The OBHE (@theobhe) December 11, 2014
Take 2 – Research
What the year’s most-noticed research papers tell us about ourselves: http://t.co/XOuc4GhPdm
— Chronicle (@chronicle) December 10, 2014
Portfolio: Evgenia Arbugaeva documents a meteorologist’s life at an isolated Arctic outpost http://t.co/LiS6tnjaJ4 pic.twitter.com/56ktJSbKUK
— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) December 10, 2014
The Research Excellence Framework keeps UK science sharp, but it comes at a heavy cost http://t.co/ByuAscdsaQ #REF2014
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) December 11, 2014
Well done @ESA_Rosetta! RT @redplanet00: #rosettamission receives Physics World 2014 Breakthrough of the Year award ! http://t.co/hbLqHlgdIt
— ESA Operations (@esaoperations) December 12, 2014
Take 3 – Europe
What has the EU ever done for the poorest part of Britain? Quite a lot actually http://t.co/KsBM3XLmXy .@EU_Commission .@EU_Regional
— Corina Cretu (@CorinaCretuEU) December 7, 2014
EARTO Publishes an Open Letter to EC President Juncker on its Investment Plan http://t.co/r5xSBERX5w @JunckerEU @Moedas #Horizon2020
— EARTO (@EARTOBrussels) December 12, 2014
Is your country open to #opendata? #Openindex14 is out! http://t.co/ldaP82zT1S via @OKFN pic.twitter.com/qF1tXGiHVv
— Digital Agenda (@DigitalAgendaEU) December 11, 2014
“Une erreur politique” : @LERUnews President @alain_beretz on cutting the French and EU research budget – http://t.co/lOhwwW11OQ @unistra
— Kurt Deketelaere (@KurtDeketelaere) December 11, 2014
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
Eurydice sees small rise in education budgets European countries. Hungary Turkey and Baltics stand out http://t.co/MdgzxMEKg2
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) December 9, 2014
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
“Schade door aangekondigde langstudeerboete doet zich nu al voor”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”