On the Agenda – Week 6, 2015
Take 1 – Education
Here’s the full text of Jeb Bush’s “right to rise” speech in Detroit http://t.co/A5z9RfpudE pic.twitter.com/aOg2n1B7YI
— Vox (@voxdotcom) February 5, 2015
International student mobility trends 2015 http://t.co/Xkez2cU6Tw #intled #globaled pic.twitter.com/74X80mIJJQ
— Dr. Rahul Choudaha (@DrEducationBlog) February 5, 2015
Economic impact of universities – the #HigherEducation sector generates thousands of jobs #BackUniversities pic.twitter.com/oZlUMq6SZo
— Universities UK (@UniversitiesUK) February 5, 2015
Is money the deciding factor in successful #education? @SchleicherEdu & @BBCWorld http://t.co/NvxyhCrR4U Report: http://t.co/E88MX7ZPhd
— OECD Education (@OECD_Edu) February 5, 2015
Take 2 –Research
Brief overview of declining R&D in USA http://t.co/x5eUWG9JJw to compare with our Forum on R&D/innovation in the EU http://t.co/R63lw0OgMd
— Intereconomics (@Intereconomics_) February 5, 2015
Evidence from warm past confirms recent IPCC estimates of climate sensitivity @cabotinstitute http://t.co/J7xEKBpFtI
— Bristol University (@BristolUni) February 5, 2015
What really happened to Europe’s first and last science adviser? @AnneGlover_EU gives first full interview http://t.co/1yXE6GFQy1
— David Shukman (@davidshukmanbbc) February 2, 2015
13.8 billion years – Painting the history of the Universe with #Planck: http://t.co/M9PaiJOCII pic.twitter.com/AsM1X9Ilx2
— ESA Science (@esascience) February 5, 2015
Take 3 – Russia
What’s blocking #Russia‘s plans for science & technology innovation? A bad economy – http://t.co/ax1QLV2Ixm pic.twitter.com/T1w50YWRRU
— Voice of America (@VOA_News) February 5, 2015
Russia’s universities: rebuilding ‘collapsed stars’ | Features | Times Higher Education http://t.co/HIuPqaYCvx
— Andrea Mariuzzo (@MariuzzoAndrea) January 29, 2015
Moscow library fire “a major loss for science…probably equivalent to the Library of Congress,” http://t.co/l3EvMx6lx6
— Jonah Busch (@jonahbusch) February 2, 2015
Macroeconomic Cronyism http://t.co/wQ9mCd6Jp5
— Paul Krugman (@NYTimeskrugman) February 3, 2015
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
The TTIP could become a threat to the essence of higher education, warns the @euatweets http://t.co/hsaX5zZLNN
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) February 2, 2015
EU goes on the offensive against youth unemployment with €1 bln investment @MarianneThyssen http://t.co/nQUx6aupaO
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) February 4, 2015
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