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7 mei 2015 | Wat kunt u zelf vanuit kennis en technologie bijdragen aan de Wetenschapsagenda? De 3TU. Innovation & Technology Conference op 18 mei biedt daar extra ruimte voor. Van discussie over Tech-ethiek tot energiezuinige bouw en van cybersecurity tot de impact van robotica als Industrie 4.0.

The 3TU.Innovation & Technology Conference will take place on 18 May in the World Trade Centre in Rotterdam. The theme of this second conference is “Inspirations for the Dutch Research Agenda 2025”.

The conference consists of four parts, each with its own set-up. At the Technology Fair, the 3TU.Research Centres, the 3TU.Data Centre and the Stan Ackermans Institute 3TU.School for Technological Design (3TU.SAI) will introduce themselves and their work. Taking place around this fair, six parallel interactive sessions are planned which will be provided by the six 3TU.Research Centres. The conference highlights the importance of the involvement of both government and the business community in the activities of the three partner universities.

As an introduction Dirk Jan van den Berg, chairman of the 3TU.Federation and Alexander Rinnooy Kan, chairman for the Dutch Research Agenda 2025, will take us through the process of creating the Dutch Research Agenda and the contributions that Higher Education and you as participants of the conference can make in executing this agenda.

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Programma 18 mei

Een uitvoerig overzicht van het programma vindt u hieronder

09.45 – 10.30            Welcome & coffee

At the Technology Fair, the 3TU.Research Centres, the 3TU.Data Centre and the SAI will present their latest innovations and their aspirations for forthcoming innovations and talk to visitors about the technological developments that have been revealed.

10.30 – 11.00             Opening

The conference will be opened by Dirk Jan van den Berg, chairman of the 3TU.Federation. He will talk about the Dutch Research Agenda for 2025 and how 3TU en its partners can contribute to this agenda.  

11.00 – 11.40             Keynote

We have invited Alexander Rinnooy Kan, chairman for the Dutch Reserarch Agenda 2025 to provide us with an update on creating this Research Agenda and to reflect on the activities of the three universities of technology as an inspiration for the Dutch Research Agenda.

11.45 – 12.00             Animated film ‘Overcoming obstacles to co-operation in the Golden Triangle’ by ‘De jongens van de tekeningen’ This short animated film draws on examples from the Golden Triangle. It takes an inspiring look at the road to success and the obstacles encountered along the way.

12.00 – 13.00             Lunch and Technology Fair visit

13.00 – 13.50             Parallel Session 1: You will have the choice between:

3TU.Ethics and Technology

The central theme of this session is Responsible Innovation. This has become a major theme in Dutch and European policymaking, and it is increasingly important for companies to engage in this field. The question is how companies interpret this concept and which partnerships with universities and governments prove possible. The audience will be invited to contribute to a discussion on the opportunities of innovation as well as the obstacles to it, and a vote will be taken regarding the viability of the tools available and the direction that we should be taking.


The Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) programmes are a perfect example of how universities collaborate with industrial partners in a golden triangle of research, industry and government. In this session the advantages and challenges of the PDEng programmes will be clarified by presentations of golden triangle representatives followed by a round table discussion.

14.00 – 14.50             Parallel Session 2: You will have the choice between:

3TU.Fluid and Solid Mechanics

This session actively brings together the business and science communities. The members of the industrial advisory boards of the Burgers Centrum and Engineering Mechanics research schools will present the major challenges that they face and then invite the scientific community to contribute to potential solutions. In response, pioneering developments from the field of science will be presented that can help with the challenges faced by those in the business sector. The session will conclude with a discussion on developing partnerships in relation to the topics presented.

3TU.High Tech Systems

Robotics are seen as one of the most promising technologies of the future. Developments in robotics technology in the Netherlands are taking place mainly within the 3TUs. The central question for this session is what can the government and research institutions do to make robotics technology more attractive to the business community. Cooperation between successful companies in the field of robotics, government and research institutions is vital for robotics development to succeed in the Netherlands.

There will be three guest speakers from small, medium and large businesses, all of whom will speak from personal experience and share their advice.

15.00 – 15.30             Coffee break and Technology Fair visit

15.30 – 16.20             Parallel session 3: You will have the choice between:


Cyber security research involves investigating technology and solutions for protecting the privacy of people and providing security for the healthy functioning of the services within the industrial activities. Collaboration within the Golden Triangle towards more cyber situational awareness is the start for a more secure society for all and it constitutes a vital component for the development of economic activities and creating new business opportunities using the benefits of combining private data from several different entities.

In this session different aspects of secure information sharing will be the subject of presentations and an interactive panel discussion.


The central theme of ‘energy efficiency in the built environment’ was chosen in 2014. The construction sector, with its enormous demand for raw materials, is one of the sectors where the transition to a circular economy based on recycling and upcycling is the most urgent. If this transition is to be achieved, it will be crucial to develop effective partnerships on the basis of the golden triangle. It is in this context that the‘Light House Projects’ innovation programme has been launched. This session presents the Light House projects, with the hope that the industry representatives attending will adopt a number of these projects.

16.30 – 18.00             Networking opportunity with drinks and Technology Fair

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