On the Agenda – Week 25, 2015
Take 1 –Education
Amsterdam struggles to combat school segregation while honoring parent choice http://t.co/X0Y26pfPYR pic.twitter.com/UeCuHK8S1Q
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) June 18, 2015
Oxford Uni must decolonise its campus and curriculum, say students http://t.co/uFHWjGKI6B
— Guardian Education (@GuardianEdu) June 18, 2015
What African universities can do to attract academics back from the diaspora http://t.co/hFOvOyGs0G via @qzafrica #Africa #BrainDrain
— The OBHE (@theobhe) June 18, 2015
Art MOOCs https://t.co/gl7jjSfQc0 Art schools have been “left out” of MOOCs & Online Ed. New Platform looks to Change that #mooc #art
— MOOCs (@MOOCsNews) June 16, 2015
Take 2 –Research
Pope Francis aligns himself with mainstream science on climate change http://t.co/EWWuvbnVnt pic.twitter.com/msIEoSxE2t
— NYT Science (@NYTScience) June 19, 2015
Quitting EU would harm British science, says Royal Society’s next president http://t.co/OzuKtEMuVZ
— The Guardian (@guardian) June 17, 2015
The super materials that could trump graphene http://t.co/lI84CVBM6h pic.twitter.com/sGVLObUTfy
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) June 18, 2015
How can universities increase Green Open Access? http://t.co/PSiFWE9QwW via @LSEImpactBlog #highered #openaccess
— HEFCE (@HEFCE) June 18, 2015
Take 3 –Greece
Why Greece might now have the upper hand in crunch talks http://t.co/LB5M6u1CWI
— The Guardian (@guardian) June 19, 2015
Greece’s Proposals to End the Crisis: Tabled at today’s Eurogroup, as related also in the subsequent Press Conference http://t.co/ssI8SedENF
— Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) June 18, 2015
Cutting through all the Greek noise… Draghi, not Merkel, likely to decide Greece’s fate http://t.co/s2GpOC0fLn
— Matthew Kaminski (@KaminskiMK) June 19, 2015
Why the Greek brain drain is happening. One assistant professor explains http://t.co/gnY62CUL9A #Greece #education #HE
— Aliki Chapple (@amaenad) June 19, 2015
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
Daniel Salinas (@OECD_Edu) on the return on investment in education. ‘Make schools more inclusive’ http://t.co/Klx2TNnTkS
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) June 18, 2015
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