On the Agenda – Week 47, 2015
Take 1 –Education
China’s College Counselors Told to Join the Party — the Communist Party [@TIMEWorld] https://t.co/nAP19HKXn3
— USCPF (@USCPF) November 19, 2015
In Africa teaching is a male-dominated profession, and it perpetuates inequality https://t.co/1T7ifx2UW0 pic.twitter.com/f7YcKUJBJv
— TheAtlanticEducation (@TheAtlEducation) November 19, 2015
Education Dept in hot seat re: management of student loans https://t.co/ilYlegSjFc pic.twitter.com/oFjfmBRcLk
— Inside Higher Ed (@insidehighered) November 19, 2015
Seven lessons learned from five years as a university dean https://t.co/TvnsVxfDvd #highered
— Higher Education (@GdnHigherEd) November 19, 2015
Take 2 –Research
America’s BRAIN initiative will test the mettle of the “Big Science” model https://t.co/4nzV8n2Kty pic.twitter.com/K5gubsOFXR
— The Economist (@EconSciTech) November 14, 2015
Long-awaited report on UK research proposes shakeup but no merger for 7 funding agencies: https://t.co/2TpdcgovO8 pic.twitter.com/uGGWRsyyi2
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) November 20, 2015
How science is looking to bring species back from the dead. https://t.co/jLc8RkFYwW pic.twitter.com/mssJ8AuqP8
— CNN Africa (@CNNAfrica) November 19, 2015
Wary of mainstream medicine, immigrants seek remedies that derive from their homeland https://t.co/lf4Zvzfm3l pic.twitter.com/Lj3qfuJUEV
— NYT Science (@NYTScience) November 16, 2015
Take 3 –Paris
How to explain the Paris attacks to children https://t.co/Nb99uHSDxj
— The Independent (@Independent) November 17, 2015
Social science and the Paris attacks on blog today: counterterrorism: https://t.co/tK7lDHpRzd Twitter & ISIS: https://t.co/dJzPLK5p7C (1/2)
— The Monkey Cage (@monkeycageblog) November 16, 2015
After the attacks, a day for discussion: https://t.co/Nz6sU39Q2I pic.twitter.com/Xa8HHnK3WL
— Sciences Po (@sciencespo) November 18, 2015
Reflections on the role of education in fighting extremism from our CEO Rick Levin https://t.co/11kLEMKgeR
— Coursera (@coursera) November 18, 2015
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
“Education is the first and most important tool to achieve freedom,” ESU’s @fernandomgalan on #17now https://t.co/GYxzIU79MJ
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) November 17, 2015
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