On the Agenda – Week 48, 2015
Take 1 –Education
Big is beautiful for merging universities https://t.co/VHsYDxMTvu
— BBC Education (@bbceducation) November 25, 2015
Student loans: Osborne’s ‘disgraceful’ overhaul ‘betrays a generation’ https://t.co/8XQWdDGhVA
— The Guardian (@guardian) November 26, 2015
What happens when students create their own curriculum? https://t.co/ibcEi9DJM9 pic.twitter.com/znTibT5SpK
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) November 27, 2015
It’s Academics Anonymous day! This week: is our obsession with data destroying academia? https://t.co/xg94HLqn4Y #highered
— Higher Education (@GdnHigherEd) November 27, 2015
Take 2 –Research
China plans to launch first robot into space by 2020 https://t.co/xh5NSkcAIR pic.twitter.com/nkf27DMfK2
— SCMP News (@SCMP_News) November 24, 2015
This futuristic floating city will produce zero waste and house 7,000 residents https://t.co/t05bVETGle pic.twitter.com/MvuRKl2DrJ
— Business Insider (@businessinsider) November 26, 2015
Want more innovation? Get more diversity: https://t.co/lkO1N4VaO6 pic.twitter.com/Bhe1mRvRGN
— Chronicle (@chronicle) November 26, 2015
new publication from the World Bank: Sub-Saharan African Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Research https://t.co/a3D19Zt5gO
— World Bank EduTech (@WBedutech) November 25, 2015
Take 3 –Russia
How’s the alliance to destroy ISIS shaping up? Look no further than the downed Russian jet, Dexter Filkins writes: https://t.co/SRheSZz53q
— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) November 25, 2015
[Opinion] Think twice before teaming up with Putin in Syria – https://t.co/H0k0PM5y2N
— EUobserver (@euobs) November 27, 2015
Andrew Moravcsik of Princeton University says focusing on deterring #Russia will not safeguard #Ukraine’s future. https://t.co/RrJioGNQ8k
— The Globalist (@theglobalist) November 25, 2015
Russian defense industry hits speed bumps https://t.co/mazneu4jfi pic.twitter.com/zNgrcK27nm
— Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) November 27, 2015
…and this week on ScienceGuideEU
President Putin is not satisfied with the dynamics of reform in Russian science https://t.co/5T0QqvVfBl
— ScienceGuideEU (@ScienceGuideEU) November 26, 2015
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
“Schade door aangekondigde langstudeerboete doet zich nu al voor”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”