On the Agenda – Week 41 , 2017
Take1 –Education
“Sure, my views are a bit different from the mainstream. … But an open society should be able to tolerate them.” https://t.co/msx7ggxIZy
— NPR (@NPR) 10 oktober 2017
Apple head @tim_cook opens @oxfoundry to nurture staff and student start-ups at @uniofoxford @OxfordSBS https://t.co/nXuoAwfER2
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) 13 oktober 2017
Why colleges are borrowing billions, by @hechingerreport https://t.co/NZyQoVKvQe pic.twitter.com/gywm5w12tp
— TheAtlanticEducation (@TheAtlEducation) 10 oktober 2017
Inside the ‘essay mills’ offering to do students’ work for them https://t.co/BsMAP16Jlu
— Telegraph Education (@tele_education) 12 oktober 2017
Take 2 –Research
*NEW* The government will get a Brexit deal on science and research, says Jo Johnsonhttps://t.co/GJ8JfMsFvR
— Higher Education (@GdnHigherEd) 12 oktober 2017
Not even science is immune from the fake-news epidemic:https://t.co/4B9Jra4UTH
— snopes.com (@snopes) 12 oktober 2017
It’s never too late to start a science career: https://t.co/N1TnOxSGys pic.twitter.com/5Mp7HAGPre
— Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews) 12 oktober 2017
What can historical objects tell us about India’s rich, and often hidden scientific past? Explore #IlluminatingIndia https://t.co/AaonxItVFr
— The Royal Society (@royalsociety) 12 oktober 2017
Take 3 –Baltic states
Great @ReidStan joint on the very Nordic way Nordic states are responding to Russian hybrid warfare. (Education!) https://t.co/64YrznlIGg
— Elias Groll (@EliasGroll) 12 oktober 2017
Estonia ‘first country in world able to function without physical land’ https://t.co/BgYvISXS0v pic.twitter.com/MYdkLFrtqW
— euronews (@euronews) 11 oktober 2017
Latvia’s economy minister says he’ll resign to help shore up his party before elections https://t.co/xB44C8eNYe via @aaroneglitis pic.twitter.com/frcWCnHC05
— Forward Guidance (@ecoeurope) 13 oktober 2017
From Stettin in the Baltic to Athens in the Aegean, a populist belt has formed across the Continent. Me in @slate. https://t.co/cz5L7YpVAh
— Yascha Mounk (@Yascha_Mounk) 11 oktober 2017
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap