On the Agenda – Week 49, 2017
Take1 –Education
How Australia can help reform higher education in Indiahttps://t.co/nnHym2Jl5P
— The Conversation (@ConversationEDU) 5 december 2017
New OBHE Report! International Branch Campuses: Success Factors of Mature IBCs – https://t.co/exuKfcJ5H7 Free for members! New memberships & early renewals discounted 20% until 31Jan18. Contact info@obhe.org for details. #HigherEd #IBCs #TNE #Education pic.twitter.com/y407RKNVet
— The OBHE (@theobhe) 8 december 2017
A short history of the conservative war on universities, by Jason Blakely https://t.co/4PhdQh6kWp pic.twitter.com/vxDDTcZKyU
— TheAtlanticEducation (@TheAtlEducation) 7 december 2017
How can countries close the equity gap in education? New blog post by @VanDammeEDU
➡https://t.co/57flSGQS4v#OECDCope #Inequality pic.twitter.com/33gqGMMDRa
— OECD Education (@OECDEduSkills) 6 december 2017
Take 2 –Research
Is #Brexit taking a bite out of UK’s share of @EU_H2020 funding? @HigherBaker investigates https://t.co/OAbAdmXfUn
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) 7 december 2017
#China inches toward #AI supremacy as US continues to ignore science https://t.co/rmgFpgaTdY pic.twitter.com/pE8ME3xKw7
— Epoca (@EpocaNow) 7 december 2017
Stimulating guide from the @IAPartnership indicating how academies and scientists can do more to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals–work generously funded by the @CarnegieCorp https://t.co/7Nxp3kUheC
— Robbert Dijkgraaf (@RHDijkgraaf) 6 december 2017
“In this country, you need to have humour, because this is such a nonsense,” said 85-year-old Sulak Sivaraksa who got charged with #lesemajeste for questioning the existence of a 16th century duel. https://t.co/Z1MWsLVFeT.
— Hathai Pia (@HathaiPia) 7 december 2017
Take 3 –Israel
“the president… will have his Trumanesque moment by refusing to pretend that Israel has no capital” https://t.co/x4385o7cod
— Shmuel Rosner (@rosnersdomain) 5 december 2017
This is how Israel occupies education in East Jerusalem https://t.co/wESIbZTtxB pic.twitter.com/viYtaxD9id
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) 8 december 2017
The problem with recognizing Jerusalem isn’t “Arab Backlash.” It’s that it’s wrong. https://t.co/3o0vQhCQjP pic.twitter.com/sRREEbbsZd
— Slate (@Slate) 8 december 2017
Viola FinTech is a new $100M Israel-based VC fund targeting fintech startups around the world #startup #fokkus https://t.co/rcBDZ6iAdH
— FOKKUS (@FokkusClub) 6 december 2017
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap