On the Agenda – Week 7, 2018
Take 1 –Education
Millennials are more educated than their parents’ were. But the financial returns to higher education are shrinking https://t.co/Z1xLYTiilj pic.twitter.com/XL7hywoZIj
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) 13 februari 2018
China has spies planted in U.S. universities, Wray says https://t.co/swIdBWTFBM pic.twitter.com/I1iuh3HhPI
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) 15 februari 2018
New in Evidence Speaks: Why is accountability always about teachers? https://t.co/Kx5IgmUkUO pic.twitter.com/StRO2mwXp0
— Brookings Econ (@BrookingsEcon) 15 februari 2018
Blog: Why going to university in Britain is still a wise investment https://t.co/TUoLWCuN6r
— SCPHRP (@SCPHRP) 13 februari 2018
Take 2 –Research
Trump the first president in four decades to not appoint a science adviser. https://t.co/c48bZxZqYq via @BostonGlobe
— InsideClimate News (@insideclimate) 16 februari 2018
PhD programmes should nurture the big thinkers and creative problem-solvers that society needs. https://t.co/On8tDGCAxN
— Nature News & Comment (@NatureNews) 14 februari 2018
Top universities boost innovation more than nations. https://t.co/ca7BG0ZRiN
— Dirk Van Damme (@VanDammeEDU) 15 februari 2018
Take 3 –Olympics
Once they retire, Olympic athletes are often unprepared for what comes next. A new national initiative seeks to change that—will it work? @LindaFlanagan2 reports: https://t.co/Ttod6zw5Ly pic.twitter.com/nJNW4ySh0w
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) 11 februari 2018
Do what the Gold medalists do…
Winter Olympics: Mikaela Shiffrin loves napping — here’s the science https://t.co/gq6mgL19fU
— Innovative Sleep Centers (@InnovSleepCtrs) 16 februari 2018
The science behind the winds affecting the 2018 Winter Olympics: https://t.co/956Sb9RSJY pic.twitter.com/dUp6PaVCDS
— Forbes (@Forbes) 14 februari 2018
Just in time for the Winter Olympics: The science of ski wax https://t.co/AQuxQGc93b
— WIRED Science (@WIREDScience) 9 februari 2018
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap