On the Agenda – Week 20, 2018
Take 1 –Education
How educational programs in Africa can help counter violent extremism https://t.co/Vyn9gBrWzl
— Monkey Cage (@monkeycageblog) 17 mei 2018
”Xinjiang has become a police state to rival North Korea, with a formalized racism on the order of South African apartheid.” https://t.co/77G1ARzKkY
— Jojje Olsson (@jojjeols) 16 mei 2018
Once a nondescript commuter college in downtown Atlanta, Georgia State now aspires to be engine of social mobility https://t.co/PSg70FsLK8
— NYT Politics (@nytpolitics) 15 mei 2018
China to release funding to Hong Kong to help it become an ‘international innovation hub’. https://t.co/a1trGN32Ib #highered #China #HongKong #innovation
— UniversityWorldNews (@uniworldnews) 17 mei 2018
Take 2 –Research
Bold efforts to push academic publishing towards an open-access model are gaining steam. https://t.co/nznaBEdU9W
— Nature News & Comment (@NatureNews) 18 mei 2018
“Thanks in part to investments in science, research, and innovation, we’ve built world-leading universities and colleges,” says @JustinTrudeau https://t.co/dfnkGg7YcV #CdnPSE #UnivResearch @KirstyDuncanMP @NavdeepSBains
— Universities Canada (@univcan) 17 mei 2018
#Japan’s government proposed an energy plan with ambitious targets for #nuclear energy use in the coming decade
According to the plan, by 2030 nuclear energy should account for 20-22% of Japan’s total power generation.
➡️Full story: https://t.co/3Aw4wftABK pic.twitter.com/GqkQGKn5uI
— FORATOM (@FORATOM_nuclear) 17 mei 2018
Academic papers are going through a bit of a change https://t.co/9reghp4bjP
— WIRED Science (@WIREDScience) 18 mei 2018
Take 3 –EU
Everything you need to know from yesterday’s EU-Balkan summit in Sofia https://t.co/qIeOqtBAuJ
— POLITICO Europe (@POLITICOEurope) 18 mei 2018
Retweeted Reuters Science News (@ReutersScience):
Britain, EU clash in growing row over Galileo satellite project https://t.co/5D9xl7B2wP pic.twitter.com/sOidJmy3xC https://t.co/9QwxqjdI9n
— NWParsons (@nwparsons) 15 mei 2018
My latest for @TheEconomist‘s Which MBA section is on how – right when Britain is leaving the EU – the EU is the only thing saving its management education sector from chronic underfunding https://t.co/cW2BEOlnXi
— Chris Stokel-Walker (@stokel) 15 mei 2018
Does fierce #competition with #China hurt #innovation in the #West? Fears are overblown, #data suggest that in the past few years EU’s & US’s #patents and #research spending have soared alongside their trade deficit with China. #Facts ???? https://t.co/voWAKxcGQp pic.twitter.com/jWxsKRZZ7K
— Alexis Roig (@alexisroig) 15 mei 2018
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap
Nederlands hoger onderwijs “negatieve uitschieter” op kansengelijkheid, toont OESO-rapport