On the Agenda – Week 3, 2019
Take 1 –Education
Brazil’s new far-right president wants to transform his country. His early actions on land rights, education, the economy, and public security have critics concerned. @shannongsims reports: https://t.co/hAmU6Dp1TJ
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) 14 januari 2019
Selective universities appear not to increase inequality. At least, so the evidence from France and Finland suggests, according to The Economist
https://t.co/oGlSkHEO9f pic.twitter.com/af9MzGC853
— F. Pedró UNESCO ED (@FrancescPedroED) 16 januari 2019
Trump administration to unravel US #highered quality safeguards https://t.co/nFQz2vmgCE
— UniversityWorldNews (@uniworldnews) 14 januari 2019
African Leadership University has raised $30 million to help reinvent graduate education https://t.co/h6PjQzUUnt via @qzafrica #education #Africa
— UoPeople (@UoPeople) 15 januari 2019
Take 2 –Research
Can China dominate science: Red moon rising????????? Should the western world worry????????????????? #science #research #impact #growth #competiveness … #sustainability ? https://t.co/d0VVaPlvQh
— Jukka Kola (@JukkaKola) 10 januari 2019
Despite gains in the past 50 years, women win fewer prizes, less money and less prestige that men do. https://t.co/FnG9d49lV6
— Nature News & Comment (@NatureNews) 17 januari 2019
Media reports have declared the field of psychology, if not all of science, to be in a state of crisis. https://t.co/f5jLeCD3QT
— WIRED Science (@WIREDScience) 17 januari 2019
“We understand now that the #arts and #sciences are the subjective and objective poles of the same great human enterprise, that there is only one world out there and we have to view it with an ever-curious and ever broadening mind” https://t.co/QKHhTBvdJQ @WIRED
— The Royal Society (@royalsociety) 18 januari 2019
Take 3 –Great Britain
It was never about Europe. Brexit is Britain’s reckoning with itself | Fintan O’Toole https://t.co/UmMUxt4XWF
— The Guardian (@guardian) 18 januari 2019
Kenneth Baker; #Education and #apprenticeships must change to meet Britain’s needs – powerful speech by Tory grandee https://t.co/VZZ0e60aR3 @JayMitchinson @IanDayPix @RobParsonsYP @wizbates @henrimurison #skills
— OpinionYP (@OpinionYP) 18 januari 2019
“For the building of a more open society, the issue of private education is pivotal, symbolically and substantively. The reform of private schools will not alone be sufficient to achieve the good society; but it surely is a necessary condition.” https://t.co/pn2zdqGpiq
— Ben Carrington (@BenHCarrington) 18 januari 2019
My latest Bagehot: anyone who thinks that Britain can go through the madness of Brexit and then revert to politics as normal is howling at the Moon https://t.co/pgFk6Pq9zJ via @TheEconomist
— Adrian Wooldridge (@adwooldridge) 17 januari 2019
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap
Nederlands hoger onderwijs “negatieve uitschieter” op kansengelijkheid, toont OESO-rapport