On the Agenda – Week 7, 2019
Take 1 –Education
“Large charitable donations to the richest schools is essentially the endpoint of a cycle that rewards wealth every step along the way.” https://t.co/p61o4MIqI3
— Jillian Berman (@JillianBerman) 11 februari 2019
.@euatweets proposes Europe-wise ‘Higher Education Academy’ to drive up teaching standards https://t.co/kWWdRsdZLy via @Annamckie
— Chris Havergal (@CHavergalTHE) 14 februari 2019
A lawsuit by 3 Yale students against the university claims that Yale has often looked the other way while parties rage and women from Yale and surrounding colleges are routinely sexually harassed and abused https://t.co/bILxruXFQ5
— The New York Times (@nytimes) 12 februari 2019
It is a university’s responsibility to offer education that equips students with the skills and knowledge that are relevant to their lives and job prospects. https://t.co/K4ghlomETD
— Mail & Guardian (@mailandguardian) 14 februari 2019
Take 2 –Research
Star quality: will China’s rise change science?https://t.co/bZ2H0q2s4B
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) 14 februari 2019
Based on citations, a study suggests that smaller teams come up with more new ideas than larger collaborations. https://t.co/Zy01V8sngf
— Nature News & Comment (@NatureNews) 14 februari 2019
If former astronaut Mark Kelly wins the race for McCain’s Arizona seat in 2020, he could help to nudge U.S. space policy away from Trump’s “space force” and back towards climate science—and Mars https://t.co/6Lg3MZIgba
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) 13 februari 2019
The Mars Opportunity rover was the hardest working robot in the solar system. It was supposed to last three months and travel just 1,100 yards, but it went for 15 years, 28 miles and 5,000 charge cycles 1/ https://t.co/5THacAbse5 #ThankYouOppy pic.twitter.com/0fYKJ8jeG8
— WIRED Science (@WIREDScience) 13 februari 2019
Take 3 –Australia
FULL INTERVIEW: Minister for Indigenous Affairs Nigel Scullion says the government’s plan to waive the HECS debt of teachers who work in regional Australia is an important way to boost Indigenous education outcomes.https://t.co/S0otktp2FA
— Australia Channel (@AustChannel) 14 februari 2019
Australia: Universities have made progress in addressing sexual assault but more needs to be done | By @n_henry for @ConversationEDU https://t.co/p9zVAbrBOY pic.twitter.com/rIcWG3JE6r
— Asian Correspondent (@AsCorrespondent) 11 februari 2019
Good rejoinder from climate science expert @BillHareClimate on ANU climate briefing note: Australia won’t meet the Paris targets despite what recent research claims | The Guardian #auspol https://t.co/8lK3Y4rAUL
— John Englart EAM (@takvera) 13 februari 2019
A trail of dinosaur footprints has been discovered and saved from flooding in Australia https://t.co/JsH8yq95f5 pic.twitter.com/7PbpDSlMT3
— CNN International (@cnni) 14 februari 2019
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap