On the Agenda – Week 48, 2019
Take 1 –Education
Hoe India de stap aan het zetten is van hoger onderwijs naar de elite naar hoger onderwijs voor de massa. De belangrijkste trends voor het nieuwe jaar in hoger onderwijs. Protesten in Frankrijk en Chinese jeugd gebruikt nieuw sociaal medium TikTok voor kritiek op de overheid.
I take a look at @BrookingsInst report on India’s #highered, lots of (negative) comparisons with China’s progress but nonethless India is in the initial stages transforming from elite to mass higher education https://t.co/6EYTJoofA5
— Yojana Sharma (@yojanasharma) November 28, 2019
“Financial stresses contribute to the fact that students are more likely to have ‘suicidal ideas’ than the general French population” comments EUROSTUDENT partner @OVE_National in @nytimes article by @MelissaGodin21 https://t.co/P4cSdlSxKV#HE #students
— EUROSTUDENT (@EUROSTUDENTtwt) November 28, 2019
#2: “Elite” will shift from being the sought-after brand to a questionable one for all but the wealthy. Country clubs or colleges? That will be the question. https://t.co/NStU6wpYMr
— Brandon Busteed (@brandonbusteed) November 28, 2019
Teens, young adults are using TikTok to raise awareness for Uighur Muslims https://t.co/qt68Mgq5D7
— Micah Grimes (@MicahGrimes) November 27, 2019
Take 2 –Research
De balans tussen onderzoek en innovatie in het nieuwe Horizon Europe programma. Carlos Moedas blikt terug. Kritiek op de plannen van de EPA in de Verenigde Staten en de vooruitzichten voor het gezondheidsonderzoek in Afrika.
“It’s really important that the entire research pipeline is supported,” urges Jan Palmowski, secretary-general of @guildeu, whose biggest concern about Horizon Europe is a lack of “balance” between research and innovation.https://t.co/yoPStdNiKt
— TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) November 28, 2019
The editors of six major scientific journals have raised a new alarm about the Environmental Protection Agency’s controversial data transparency proposal. https://t.co/BlEhzQG1T4
— News from Science (@NewsfromScience) November 27, 2019
An overview of our achievements on #openinnovation under my mandate at @JunckerEU Commission (2014 – 2019)
#EIC_EU #InvestEU #JunckerPlan #EFSI #iCapital #WiPrizeEU #InnovFin #CCCTB #VentureEU pic.twitter.com/CXRDjfKTAY
— Carlos Moedas (@Moedas) November 26, 2019
Africa should set its own health-research agenda https://t.co/xQZpecB0q6
— Soumya Swaminathan (@doctorsoumya) November 26, 2019
Take 3 – Indonesia
Alles over Indonesië in deze editie van de On the Agenda.
Nadiem, modernization and Islamization of education #jakpost https://t.co/anwPER7kX1
— The Jakarta Post (@jakpost) November 22, 2019
#Turkey, #Indonesia sign letter of intent on education https://t.co/K5CTEFXgoT pic.twitter.com/lEOWiVzsLC
— ANADOLU AGENCY (ENG) (@anadoluagency) November 26, 2019
New article explains scientific findings of @IPCC_CH #SROCC on the impacts of #ClimateChange on Indonesia????????: from rising sea levels to ocean acidification, #BiodiversityLoss, coral reef bleaching, reduced #EcosystemServices of seagrass and #mangrove.
— IPBES (@IPBES) November 27, 2019
Nine Indonesian women recognized for outstanding scientific contributions #jakpost https://t.co/5bEwRvtC4g
— The Jakarta Post (@jakpost) November 28, 2019
Meest Gelezen
Masterstudenten in het hbo worstelen met academisch schrijven en onderzoek
“Ik zal niet de meest populaire onderwijsminister zijn”
Stop met studentevaluaties: ze bedreigen de academische vrijheid
“Langstudeerboete raakt kern van hoger onderwijs”
CvB Erasmus Universiteit weigert tweetalig te vergaderen met medezeggenschap