Nieuw artikel (13)

Nieuws | de redactie
8 april 2008 | Hoger onderwijsinstellingen moeten meer doen om een eigen beleid te ontwikkelen, waardoor de toegang tot hun peer-reviewed onderzoek optimaal kan worden en daarmee de impact en zichtbaarheid van hun onderzoek veel sterker wordt voor een zo breed mogelijke groep gebruikers. Dit stelt de EUA in haar aanbevelingen aan de universiteiten in Europa.

This is one of the key recommendations published by EUA’s Working Group on Open Access, which aim to raise awareness of the importance of the open access issue within the university community, both in terms of its impact upon the research process but also its financial implications for university libraries.

EUA is recommending that universities across Europe set up an ‘institutional repository’ (or take part in a shared repository) as a key first step to achieving this goal. These repositories should be established and managed according to current best practices and policies developed by universities should ensure that researchers deposit their publications in the repository on acceptance of publication. Embargoes should only apply to the date of open access provision and not the date of deposit.

University policies should also take better account of copyright and the institutional intellectual property rights (IPR) management.

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